Cathedral Museum A journey into the sacred art and historical treasures of Italy
The Cathedral Museum is one of the most renowned artistic treasures in Italy. It extends from the bell tower to the ground floor of the bishop's palace. This museum houses a collection of pictorial works dating from the 12th to the 19th century, as well as precious artefacts and sacred fabrics, and Etruscan finds coming not only from the Cathedral but also from other churches in the Diocese.
Among the most significant masterpieces, the original parapet of the Pulpit of the Cathedral stands out, a work sculpted by Donatello and his assistants between 1434 and 1438, which depicts a dance of cherubs. The Hall of the Sacred Belt houses works connected to the cult of the Marian relic, including silver pieces, 14th century reliefs and fine fabrics.
The museum is closely linked to the suggestive Romanesque cloister and the "vaults", ancient burial places located under the chapels of the Cathedral. Particularly fascinating is the Chapel of the Battuti di Santo Stefano, completely frescoed by fourteenth-century artists and by the di Miniato brothers in the first half of the fifteenth century.
A combined ticket also allows you to visit the frescoes by Filippo Lippi in the Cathedral of Santo Stefano. An essential experience for lovers of art and religious history.
- Piazza Duomo, 49 - Prato (PO)
Website: http://www.diocesiprato.it/museo-dellopera-del-duomo/
Phone: 0574 29339
Typology: Museums
It is part of the itineraries: City break in Prato, Discovering the Lippi